Obstacle course

Reduced physical activity in a person of any age has a negative impact not only on the physical, but also on the mental sphere: a long period of inactivity is a serious test for a person's mental state.

We as manufacturers of children's play and sports equipment together with the State budgetary institution of the Kaliningrad region "Military-patriotic centre "Avangard" prepared a project of applied equipment "Obstacle course" aimed at a comprehensive approach to the development of basic motor qualities (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, coordination and speed and strength indicators).

The new "Obstacle Course" of MicroMir Ltd. consists of 35 elements located at different points on rough terrain with different types of coverage along the entire length and the possibility of selective completion of the proposed elements to suit the goals and objectives of certain consumers.

A methodological manual has been developed for this "Obstacle Course", the main options and recommendations for its passage are provided.